
Welcome to the IDVerifact newsletter!
On a monthly basis, we will provide information and insights on all things digital identity – addressing challenging digital identity verification use cases, avoiding digital fraud and risk, IDVerifact updates, meeting compliance and consent requirements, new partner announcements and much more!
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What We Do

We provide a simplified platform where you can access a complete catalogue of leading digital identity providers right at your fingertips. Through a single integration, you are able to combine multiple digital identity capabilities to meet any business use case.

By using our platform, companies can quickly identify risk, stay ahead of fraud and ensure compliance.


Our Capabilities

Our platform allows business users to select all the data that is needed in order to address each specific digital identity verification use case. Get all of the data you need in one payload by simply selecting any combination of our growing list of identity proving attributes.
Already have one or more platforms that you prefer to use? No problem! We’ll bring your existing platforms on board IDVerifact too! Flexibility is one of the key needs we address.

idverifact capabilities

Partner Spotlights

Introducing our partners and their capabilities within the IDVerifact platform. 

Our Great and Powerful Partners 

Our platform is continually evolving to provide new data attributes from leading third-party digital identity solution providers, all while maintaining flexibility for our clients.

Webinar: Digital Strategies to Avoid Risk and Fraud in Credit Unions

Date: October 20th, 2021
Time: 2:00pm ET
Fee: FREE!
Hosts: IDVerifact & Ficanex Technology
Speakers: George Colwell & Andrew Obee
As competition increases in digital banking, credit unions are fighting to attract new customers and meet the ever changing needs of existing members.  Meeting those member needs by offering innovative services and new products takes time, resources and significant investment. In this webinar, learn how you can achieve faster loan and mortgage approvals, protect your clients and your Credit Union from fraud, introduce new financial capabilities your clients want NOW, and boost brand loyalty and client satisfaction; faster and more economically than you ever thought possible.

idverifact tunl webinar